Living Green Elephant Sanctuary, Chiang Mai, Thailand: was founded in 2016 and is an eco-friendly sanctuary dedicated to the well-being of elephants and raising awareness about elephant conservation.

Our priority is to create a responsible and ethical environment where people can enjoy playful interactions without the need of forcing the Elephants. We believe in leaving the elephants free, allowing them to live their lives in a natural and nurturing habitat.

Our journey began with two special elephants named Boon-Me and Thu-Meh, who inspired us to expand our mission and establish a sanctuary that truly makes an impact. In our early experience, we witnessed the heart-wrenching mistreatment of elephants and felt an overwhelming sense of empathy. We made a promise to provide these magnificent creatures with a better life and the care they deserve.

Today, with 20 magnificent elephants across our three camps, we proudly uphold our commitment, inspired by the legacy of these two special elephants named Boon-Me and Thu-Meh. Beyond the elephants themselves, our mission encompasses supporting underprivileged communities in border villages, striving to create a positive impact beyond the sanctuary’s borders.

” Join us in this incredible journey of compassion, education, and advocacy. Together, we can ensure the survival of these gentle giants for generations to come. Welcome to Living Green Elephant Sanctuary. “

Half Day Program

Unforgettable Half-Day Elephant Encounter: Join us for a Morning or Afternoon session and involve yourself with our gentle giants where you can feed, interact and bathe them in their natural habitat.

Full Day Program

Discover the Magic of Elephants: A Full Day Living Green Elephant Sanctuary package offers visitors a wonderful opportunity to get to know all of our amazing elephants and gain knowledge of their daily routine and behaviors. Experience life with the elephants in their natural home – A safe and sustainable environment which is surrounded by spectacular jungle scenery where the elephants roam around freely.

Elephant Sanctuary & Inthanon Hiking Program

Unforgettable Elephant Sanctuary & Inthanon Hiking Experience: Immerse Yourself in Nature’s Wonders. Feed, Bathe, and Connect with Elephants, Then Embark on a Majestic Journey to Doi Inthanon. Explore Thailand’s Highest Mountain, Twin Pagodas, Botanical Garden, and Indulge in an Enchanting Hike through Lush Landscapes. Return with Memories etched in your Heart.

Elephant Sanctuary & Bamboo Rafting Program

Experience the Incredible fusion of our Elephant Sanctuary & Bamboo Rafting package. Spend a full day discovering the magic of elephants, observing their daily routines and behaviors in their natural sanctuary. Then, raft along the Peaceful Wang River & immerse yourself in the green paradise. This program allows you to celebrate the beauty of both land and water.

Let’s get to know the Elephants !

Do you know that there are 3 species of elephants in this world? They are the African bush elephant, the African forest elephant and the Asian elephant. All these 3 species have something in common. They are the largest land animals and prefer to...

Why do elephants like playing in the mud and dirt?

Elephants engage in mud bathing for various reasons, but today we will focus on why they play together in the mud as a herd. The Gathering Point: When elephants find a suitable watering hole or mud puddle, it becomes a gathering point for the herd....

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